Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This content indicates how the client's data will be used and protected by TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A. When the client registers data on this website, he/she will automatically accept the rules of use, protection and security that are mentioned here.

Security and Protection of your Personal Data.


The security of the client's personal data is a priority for TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A. This website offers the highest level of security.

In practice, the client can recognize that the transaction he/she is making is protected by a secure server when a key or a closed padlock appears on the left side of the browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari.)

Your Privacy


TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A. respects your privacy. All information provided to us will be treated with care while maintaining its integrity, and will only be used by TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A.

3. ¿How do we use the Client’s information?


TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A. will use customer information:

  1. When the client registers personal data, he/she will automatically authorize TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A. to use their personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  2. Registered users will receive by email all the promotions and offers of TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A.
  3. Understand preferences and characteristics of our market.

4. General recommendations on the protection of your privacy.


When leaving our website, end your registered customer session and close the browser window, so that third parties can not access your personal data, especially when using public computers or shared ones.

TERCE ECUATORIANA S.A. will not be responsible if these recommendations are ignored, nor for any damage caused by such negligence.